Personal Injury
Spellman and McDevitt Law Firm represents people who are injured due to the actions or negligence of other parties through little or no fault of their own. Personal Injury Law includes many types of claims including but not limited to motor vehicle accidents, premises liability, slip and fall, products liability, dog bites, and wrongful death claims. Personal injury claims may also include claims for the injured parties’ minor children and spouse due to their loss of “enjoyment” of their loved one due to his or her injuries. These claims are called “loss of consortium” claims.
Motor Vehicle Accidents: If you have been injured in an accident involving an automobile, truck, motorcycle, bicycle or any type of motor vehicle, you may have a claim against the person or entity who caused the accident and your resulting injuries.
Wrongful Death: If your loved one loses his or her life due to the fault of another person or entity, a claim for wrongful death can be brought through their Estate or on behalf of any minor child or spouse.
Premises Liability: A property owner has a duty to keep their premises safe. Some examples of this includes but is not limited to keeping the property clear of snow, ice and water, keep sidewalks, stairs and handrails in repair, provide warnings of any issues with the property, and adequate security if warranted. If you are injured on the property of another person or entity, you may have a claim for your injuries.
Dog Bites: Under Iowa Law, if you are bitten or harmed by a dog, you may have a claim against the owner of said dog for you physical and emotional injuries.
Products Liability: This area of law states that a product designer, manufacturer, distributor or retailer can be responsible for a product that they know or should have known to be defective that causes physical or emotional injury to a person. If you are injured due to the defect of a product, you may have a claim against one of the above entities.

Contact Us About Your Case
P.O. Box 411
1220 Second Street
Perry, IA 50220